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2003 S&T e-Digest Contents


Vol. 41, Issue 3, March 2004, pp. 170-173




Forecasts and Modern Sensors Market: Today’s Revolution Changes


Sergey Y. Yurish

Internationl Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA),

46 Thorny Vineway, Toronto,  Ontario, Canada,  M2J  4J2

Tel/fax:+1 (416) 233-4546 

E-mail: info@sensorsportal.com



Abstract: Based on the past forecasts and predictions in sensors market and today's realities the future marked trends are described in the article. It is shown that frequency-time domain sensors become more and more popular among users and system integrators. Its part (and digital output sensors on its basis) in the sensor market will be significantly increased during the next 4-5 years. Smart sensors will also have a good market niche due to sensors price reduction. The best modern approach for smart sensors creation will be to use both modern technologies and advanced methods for signal processing and conversion. Moving from traditional analog (voltage and current) signal domain to the frequency-time signal domain (frequency, period, duty-cycle, time interval, phase-shift, etc.) lets achieve many benefits due to properties of frequency as informative parameters.


Keywords: Sensors Market; Frequency-Time Domain Sensors; Universal Frequency-to-Digital Converter (UFDC-1), Smart Sensors


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