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Vol. 60, Issue 10, October 2005, pp. 439-445




Employment of Fluorescence Quenching for the Determination of Oxygen and Glucose



A. Balaji Ganesh and T.K. Radhakrishnan

National Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India.

Tel.: +91(431) 2501801 - 815, Extn: 2934; fax: +91(431) 2500133

E-mail: radha@nitt.edu


Received: 19 September 2005   Accepted: 15 October 2005   Published: 24 October 2005


Abstract: The measurement of fluorescence quenching activity of [Ru(L)3]2+ with 4,7-diphenyl-1,10 phenanthroline (dip) on silica gel and embedded in polystyrene polymers for the determination of dissolved oxygen using fiber optic probe is described here. The system is extended by immobilization of glucose oxidaze (GOD) for the determination of glucose. The objective of the work is to conquer the leaching and photo stability of fiber optic oxygen and glucose sensor and thus provides reproducibility as well as long term stability. The measurement range is 0.5 to 20 ppm and 1 to 10 mM for the determination of oxygen and glucose respectively. The glucose sensor observes the maximum activity of solution at 6.5 pH. When compared to earlier optical glucose sensors, the system confirms faster response time and it is plotted. The work creates the possibility to reduce the component size in future with out disturbing the stability.


Keywords: fiber optic sensors, oxygen, glucose, fluorescence quenching, measurement


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