Modern Sensors, Transducers and Sensor Networks – the first book from the Advances in Sensors: Reviews book Series started by the IFSA Publishing in 2012 contains dozen collected sensor related, advanced state-of-the-art reviews written by 31 internationaly recognized experts from academia and industry from 9 countries: Canada, Egypt, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Spain, Taiwan, UK and USA: Elena Gaura, Sukumar Basu, Subhas C. Mukhopadhyay, Sergey Y. Yurish, Tom J. Kazmierski, and others.
Built upon the series Advances in Sensors: Reviews – a premier sensor review source, it presents an overview of highlights in the field. Coverage includes current developments in sensing nanomaterials, technologies, design, synthesis, modeling and applications of sensors, transducers and wireless sensor networks, signal detection and advanced signal processing, as well as new sensing principles and methods of measurements. This volume is divided into three main sections: physical sensors, chemical sensors and biosensors, and sensor networks including sensor technology, sensor market reviews and applications. Modern Sensors, Transducers and Sensor Networks comprises 12 Chapters. Each of chapter can be used independently and contains its own detailed list of references.
With this unique combination of information in each volume, the Advances in Sensors: Reviews book Series will be of value for scientists and engineers in industry and at universities, to sensors developers, distributors, and users.
Modern Sensors, Transducers and Sensor Networks is intended for anyone who wants to cover a comprehensive range of topics in the field of sensors paradigms and developments. It provides guidance for technology solution developers from academia, research institutions, and industry, providing them with a broader perspective of sensor science and industry.