Published: by IFSA Publishing (Barcelona, Spain)

Formats: print (hardcover) and pdf (Acrobat)

Series Lead Editor: Prof., Dr. Sergey Y. Yurish

The publication of all 2 volumes of the Book Series 'Advances in Signal Processing', in 2018 and 2021 was accepted by all scientific community with a great enthusiasm. We have got great positive feedback from our readers and authors, and decided to publish the 3rd volume of this popular Book Series in 2023/24.

As usually, it will be focusing any significant breakthrough and innovation in sensors, transducers and its applications. Authors are welcome to submit also state-of-the-art reviews on related topics. The preliminary publication date of this volume - Winter 2023/24.

The first volumes of this Book Series are indexed in the Book Citation Index (Web of Science) by Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters). The volume 3 will be also submitted to this index.

Who will submit the manuscripts ?

Perspective authors who would be interested in these series are Postgraduate Students, PhD holders and Post-Doc researchers on related fields and its applications. Also, some conferences organizers would be interested in publishing extended edition of their conferences papers within this title.

How to Submit a Book Chapter ?

Please use the following template for your book's chapter preparation: Book Chapter Template. The maximum number of pages per Chapter is not limited, the minimum number of pages is 16-18.

All of individual Chapters are welcome to be submitted in both formats: MS Word for Windows (docx) and Acrobat (pdf) by e-mail to: Please use the Subject line: Book chapter for 'Advances in Signal Processing', Book Series, Vol. 3.

Publication Fees.

The publication fee includes both: submitting and processing costs as well as author’s book copy in Acrobat (pdf) format. The amount is strongly dependent on the authors' countries economy type. Please see the web page IFSA Publishing's Publication Fees for details.

Previously Published Book Volumes

Acrobat (pdf) format, free downloads


Prof., Dr. Sergey Y. Yurish

IFSA Publishing, S. L.

Parc UPC-PMT, Edifici RDIT-K2M

c/ Esteve Terradas, 1,

08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain

Tel.: +34 696067716
