Published: by IFSA Publishing (Barcelona, Spain)

Formats: print (hardcover) and pdf (Acrobat)

Series Lead Editor: Prof., Dr. Sergey Y. Yurish

The publication of the first volume of the Book Series 'Frequency & Time: Measurements, Control and Transfer', in 2023 was accepted by all frequency and time measurement community with a great enthusiasm. We have got great positive feedback from our readers and authors, and decided to publish the 2nd volume of this popular Book Series in 2023/24.

As usually, it will be focusing any significant breakthrough and innovation in sensors, transducers and its applications. Authors are welcome to submit also state-of-the-art reviews on related topics. The preliminary publication date of this volume - Winter 2023/24.

The first volume of this Book Series are indexed in the Book Citation Index (Web of Science) by Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters). The volume 2 will be also submitted to this index.

Who will submit the manuscripts ?

Perspective authors who would be interested in these series are Postgraduate Students, PhD holders and Post-Doc researchers on related fields and its applications. Also, some conferences organizers would be interested in publishing extended edition of their conferences papers within this title.

How to Submit a Book Chapter ?

Please use the following template for your book's chapter preparation: Book Chapter Template. The maximum number of pages per Chapter is not limited, the minimum number of pages is 16-18.

All of individual Chapters are welcome to be submitted in both formats: MS Word for Windows (docx) and Acrobat (pdf) by e-mail to: Please use the Subject line: Book chapter for 'Frequency & Time: Measurements, Control and Transfer', Book Series, Vol. 2.

Previously Published Book Volumes

Acrobat (pdf) format, free downloads


Prof., Dr. Sergey Y. Yurish

IFSA Publishing, S. L.

Parc UPC-PMT, Edifici RDIT-K2M

c/ Esteve Terradas, 1,

08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain

Tel.: +34 696067716
